Bringing Outdoor Displays Indoors

The great outdoors provides many opportunities for using displays effectively, but did you know that they can be useful inside too! While our outdoor displays are indeed designed to withstand the elements, their durability and visual impact make them valuable assets in indoor settings as well. Let’s explore some unconventional yet effective applications of outdoor displays within interior spaces:


Whether it’s a corporate, retail, or institutional facility, entrance lobbies are a busy spot. Staff and customers come and go, delivery providers drop off and pick up, and visitors wait on their meeting hosts. There’s lots going on and they’re often a prime location for displaying advertisements, messages, and wayfinding. Sometimes, too, as entrance and exit doors open and close, gusts of wind and the occasional blast of the elements make their way inside.Using an outdoor banner stand or A-board helps keep the messaging front and center, while standing up to the busy environment.

Public Transit

And while we’re thinking about busy places, consider public transit terminals. Thousands of people rely on public transportation every day. Transit terminals often consist of a hybrid indoor / outdoor environment. Navigating these spaces can be tricky—especially for new visitors—outdoor displays offer clear directions right where you need them. Whether it’s guiding passengers to platforms or sharing service updates, these portable displays are suitable in an ever-changing environment, making navigation a breeze for everyone.


Inside greenhouses, where plants thrive under controlled conditions, outdoor displays might seem out of place. But these indoor gardens have their challenges—humidity, temperature changes, and occasional moisture—which call for tough solutions. That’s where outdoor displays shine, with their weather-resistant design perfect for the greenhouse environment. Signage can help label plant species and provide maintenance info, ensuring both plants and caretakers flourish.

Sports Arenas and Stadiums

Amidst the excitement of sports events, clear communication is essential for fans and players alike. Outdoor displays can help assist in wayfinding; directing fans to concessions and restrooms. Their sturdy build ensures they can handle the energy of big crowds, serving as info hubs in the midst of the action.

Outdoor displays aren’t just for nature and tough landscapes—they’re versatile tools for communication and navigation indoors too. From busy lobbies to serene greenhouses, these displays prove their worth in a variety of indoor settings. With weather-resistant components and ample visual space, outdoor displays continue to redefine the boundaries of effective signage, both indoors and out.